Montag, 16. Januar 2012


I don´t believe in shit.

I don´t know where all the living creatures on earth came from but the ones who give "god", their imaginary friend, the fault for that know it less than I do.

How could "god" create and shape people if our ancestors were monkeys? Damn they must have been damn hairy...

I don´t know what jesus or whoever smoked or consumed when he wrote the bible that he could see angels talking to him. That´s just impossible.

I think "virgin" Mary was a whore who fucked everyone around her and because people were very stupid they believed in wonders back then. Joseph (whatever) thought his wife is pregnant with "god´s" child. Wow. Seriously?

Jesus was high all the time and had great imagination skills, did shit with his friends, got high with them and wrote all those lion sheep stories. Super gay and super over done. His friends probably were nailed on crosses and died while jesus got lost somewhere on his way to get more weed so he could write a story about his rising from the dead lol

As mentioned, people believed in wonders and believed jesus. He was a hero and that story got all over his town etc etc (he probably offered weed to the ones who spread it?). From then on people believed in shitty stories :D

Churches are useless buildings, built to collect money to strengthen the belief in the "NOTHING".

Crosses are simple symbols without a meaning but they got shit as soon as people started using them to show that they "believe". Earrings, wristbands, necklaces, tattoos, braceletes. You represent your belief in shit.

Grow up guys. Fairytales are meant for children.

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