Mittwoch, 9. November 2011


I actually found my classrooms today, talked to people I normally don´t talk to, told ´em who I hate and what I hate and now they probably think I´m crazy.
OMG being crazy is such a big problem and totally...absolutely...not like I´m living with it for my ENTIRE life. And I really really care about my reputation so it´s a big deal for me to mess up relation ships...
BWAHAHAHAHAHAH gosh I need to shut the fuck up

Life comes and goes
Who cares about how it works out for you
One day you´re here, the next you´re dead and gone
6 billion people are living at THIS moment, do you really worry about how their life is going? 
You´re only living for a moment. You only live once. 
Mess your life up. Fix it at the points you think it´s needed. Burn someone´s souls down. Destroy minds. Ruin relation ships. Build relation ships. Dream.
Mistakes are not a problem nowadays. 
Made one? MOVE. Change your fucking town. 

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